Our Aspiration.
Every day this world tells us that we’re not enough. Not rich enough, skinny enough, cool enough, successful enough.
If only we bought this, looked like that, took the perfect Instagram picture, had the perfect partner, a beautiful house on the right side of town, lost another 10 pounds… then we would be enough. Then we would be happy.
But it’s a lie. An illusion. Because you are already perfect. Just as you are. With your flaws and imperfections, your shadow side as well as your light; you were born perfect. You are right where you are meant to be, and all that you need, is already within you.
You are already so much more than enough, despite what this world would have you believe.
There are many paths to this truth: yoga, meditation, plant medicine, art, community, dance, spirituality, nature. But every path leads within you. This truth is not found in an external factor that must be bought and consumed. And the destination of every path is a wakeful life: open-hearted, conscious, and awake to the illusion - and beauty - of this world.
There is a global community of people - perfect humans - on their own journey to discover what they’ve always had within them all along. We are on this journey with you, because we are seeking the same, too. Together, we want to wake up the world, because we believe that every one of us is already perfect. Just as we are.