I am Ayam Navin, name received from my Arhuaco Mamo spiritual indigenous father from The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. After years of following regular patterns I let go the old world and patterns and jumped into the unknown...
As a lot of us in the Western world, I was used to believe in building a life of "success"; a young engineer that wanted success in the Matrix ... I did it working in some transnational oil companies. After getting married twice, I had children, and to anyone looking from the outside, my life seemed to be perfect, nevertheless I wasn't happy at all ... so much rage, frustration. Those feelings carried on since my childhood were still there, and pushed me to search for answers around 35 years old, answers which little by little saved me.
My conscious journey began. I traveled around South and North America to transform my Karma into Dharma, participating in some mysterious indigenous ceremonies -at that time so strange to me -. I met Wise men, women guiding me back to Life, with patience, often living in remote places. Life ... such a mystery, such a Force .... allowing myself to move from fate to Destiny. I learned how to help others with the teachings of the Heart, merging ancient and modern knowledges.
After several years of self exploration, discovering, changes, I am clear that the only way to heal is to embrace fear, to know the shadow, and finally allow My Self to flourish here in these dimensions on Earth. As a physicist, I know that Quantum Healing is essential. Emotional work is key to transform our inner state in order to change our outer reality.
For more than 18 years Michael El Nour, the Embodiment of the Archangel Michael, has supported me on the path to go back to my Unity. Thanks to my studies and creativity, I developed some very unique protocols to work with individual and collective morphogenetic fields, diagnosing and harmonizing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
It allows Sanity Embodiment, be here in Service to Life.
Come to share and re-create Your Self.
I work hand in hand with Jose Antonio Leal Parra, traditional student of the Yage Medicine and of the old traditions.
Together we allow YOU to express and to create your own miracle of Life that you are.
We are Life
We are the Miracle
I Am is The Miracle
I Am is Life