Paulina is an Integral Transformative Therapist/Coach and Plant Medicine Practitioner.
Her practice includes shadow work, stages of development, the Enneagram model, craniosacral massage, meditation, mindfulness and inquiry, and healing rituals to support the client through transformation.
Through a personalized approach focused on the client's needs and unique process she works together with the client to allow transformation happen within fluid boundaries, in multiple ways, states of consciousness and stages.
She works with clients supporting them through the challenges of change to integrate practices for compassionate living and explore the depth of being.
Since 2014, Paulina started working with ibogaine clinics in Mexico for addiction treatment as a therapist and plant medicine practitioner. Eventually expanding her practice to offer therapeutic treatments and psycho-spiritual ceremonies with psilocybin, ibogaine, MDMA and 5MeO-DMT. She has extensive experience facilitating psychedelic therapy for the treatment of trauma, addiction, depression, PTSD and TBI working with Special Operations veterans and their families.
Since her teenage years she has gone through various psychedelic and plant medicine ceremonies from peyote in Wirikuta, to iboga and ibogaine in Nayarit, Mexico as a way to heal past trauma, connect to a deep sense of being and expand consciousness.
Paulina studied core shamanism at the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and received the transmission of the Munay-ki. As part of her work, she facilitates integral practice groups, women circles, shamanic journeying and rites of passage for young women.
Paulina has a Master's Degree in Integral Psychology from the John F. Kennedy University and has been trained as integral coach by Integral Coaching Canada. She later on studied cranio-sacral massage therapy at Bastyr University in Seattle, WA.
Details of this retreat
Microdosing with iboga root bark is a potent and profound transformative experience when combined with therapeutic practices, meditation and group therapy.
Iboga is an ancient and extraordinarily powerful medicine that has been used in West Africa for millenia, as well as more
recently in the Western world, revolutionizing addiction treatment.
Iboga microdosing has an extraordinary wide pharmacological scope, which leads to an wide diversity of effects, targeting various aspects of a person's experience.
Iboga microdosing acts very differently than other psychedelic microdosing, as its long half life means it can accumulate in the body, which has important benefits and challenges.
This is a global collaboration of therapists, researchers, and entrepreneurs dedicated to researching and providing a safe, therapeutic, and effective way of microdosing iboga root bark. The online program is still in its early stages, and we are currently conducting pilot groups to test and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the program.
I have several years of experience using iboga (Tabernanthe Iboga) in various doses, including microdoses for psycho-spiritual purposes. As both the subject and witness of the significant healing experienced with this amazing medicine, I can attest to its powerful effects.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
The event is 100% refundable for cancellation 60+ days before the event start date. The event is 50% refundable if cancelled 30-59 days before the start date.