KUHA Wellness Community, Avenida Bosques de Cristo Rey, El Peten, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Up to 8 in group
March 13, 2025
About this Retreat
Agustina is qualified as psycho-therapist, sound-therapist and experienced specialist with use and integration of plant medicine,
in South America and Mexico.
" My purpose is to contribute to the creation of a new humanity, more conscious and free. My grain of sand is oriented and focused on providing self-awareness and self-healing tools. Management and understanding of the emotional body based on the other bodies. In order to achieve harmony and balance between our different elements or different functions. Identify our physical body, our emotions, thoughts, and our capacity for action.
I have studied psychology in the conventional academic format and various integral healing techniques such as Reiki, Bach Flower Therapy, gem therapy, auriculotherapy, and millenary knowledge such as Tarot, Tantra, and Jung's investigations such as the Collective Unconscious, the Archetypes, the process of individuation, etc.
I have been in the process of self-knowledge through ancestral medicines for more than 7 years, both personally and sharing.
I was also trained as a therapist in Emotional Integration at the EI School founded by the teacher Shivagam, a school of Buddhist tradition of the Mahajvira.
Everything investigated led me to understand that we are beings created in the image and likeness of the creator, of the divine universal source, of God (according to your beliefs) and that our being contains all universal knowledge, we just have to remember it. There is a direct relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm, there are holographic patterns and an anatomy that maintains a correspondence (what is inside is outside, what is above is below). We are a channel between heaven and earth. We come to experience wholeness through this incarnation on earth.
And through the tools that our Mother Earth offers us is that we will remember it.
All the tools that I share are from the intention of unity, love and truth"
Gabriel is among the rare few non-indigenous persons to be legally authorized from the Pluricultural Governor of Sonora to enter the territories between Hermosillo and Punta Chueca to collect the Bufo Alvarius medicine directly from the wild toads on the territory and authorized and registered as practitioner to serve the medicine in sessions.
Bio: Growing up in Central America in the 70's, Gabriel has naturally developed a sense of syncretic practice of spiritual energy and philosophy. 15 years ago he initiated his discovery and learning of plant medicines with hierbatero Lucho Panduro and ayahuasquero Alessio Prefumo in Tamshiyacu (Perù) and then Bolivia, Chile and Italy. After an experience living in Cuba, cooperating with Orisha Yoruba priests of African Santeria, Gabriel lived 10 years in South America, where he continued the deepening of his research by dwelling with indigenous communities in remote mountainous regions, participating to rural development projects and to the ritualistic tradition in the Andes, then moving to Mexico to learn the utilization of Bufo Alvarius.
He is interested in the diffusion of diverse instruments for the spirit. His idea is to connect more people to the information, the preparation and basic mindset to approach powerful spiritual tools such as natural plant medicines. His effort is to improve the process, the communication and the experience of the sessions and therapies and render them available to almost everybody. He believes on pulling down the barriers of spiritual elitism. In helping these wonderful "instruments" to face the fascinating modern challenges, as an inside-out revolution. Gabriel aims to contribute for compatibility among and beyond different environments, cultural realities and melting down modern and ancient ideological schisms, the barriers of language and discrimination.
Rene is a Mexican hierbatero and healer with 16 years experience as facilitator and guide for ancestral power plants, curative herbs and bufo alvarius. He is specialized in integrating the ceremonial aspect with programs of nutrition and microdosing,
an expert in preparations for personalized plans and treatments for cancer and tumors.
He guided for many years ceremonies with sound healin in Teotihuacan and now collaborates full time with XG in Riviera Maya.
Details of this retreat
The Ancestral Day Event
* there is NO extra charge for medicines served during the ceremony
Time of schedule:
- Morning at 11.00AM
Contribution: $200 usd each
+ optional private cabanas in jungle paradise with pool and cenotes: $60 usd total for double occupancy
Ancestral Ceremony session: Psilocybin or Peyote
Event starts: 11am @ XG LOS ALUXES MAGICK HOUSE
in Kuha Wellness community, La Guadalupana
Playa del Carmen, QR MEXICO
Optional: Lodging available for you or your private group: Private independent jungle cabañas, private bathroom
for $60 usd private cabana, with double occupancy
During the ceremony the Ayahuasquero and assistants will serve
1) Rapé snuff
2) Plant medicine
3) Xanga
with chants and acoustic music
XG is a union of experiences hierbateros and therapists
check us out on google: xanga guru
Diet care: ideally from at least 3 days prior, vegetarian or avoiding coffee, salt, sugar, spices, junk food and red meat. Plain chicken or fish are ok. Olive oil is ok. No alcohol or smoke. The ideal prep improves the intensity and work of the medicine, and also the physical impact.
Things to bring:
wear comfortable clothing and bring an extra change of clothes, this just in case you need them.
Also you may bring flowers as offering, seeds or nuts, like almonds. The offer is given to Paxamama (Mother Earth).