About this Retreat
Agape is a worldwide Spiritual Guide and Alternative Healer.
He has successfully helped many people around the world to heal (physically, emotionally, and energetically) and raise their level of consciousness. He is also a fully qualified Shamanic Healing Practitioner.
Ever since he had his enlightenment experience, Agape has dedicated his life to help as many people as possible to remember who they truly are so that they too can experience true, unconditional, and unlimited peace, love and joy within themselves.
He has discovered that holding retreats is the best way to help people on their spiritual journey in a short space of time. During these retreats, Agape helps you discover for yourself how life is not something to escape, renounce or endure, but a beautiful experience that can be enjoyed at all times.
Details of this retreat
🎺📯 You have been on the spiritual path for some time now and have been putting in a lot of work into healing yourself. You have always known deep down that you were destined to do something great in this lifetime, but you didn't know what. You are looking at the state of affairs on the planet and wish to do something to help, but you don't know how. If this sounds like you, then this call is for you!
⚔ There is a multidimensional war that has been going on within humanity for a long time. This war is between Love and fear, between Truth and illusion, and between the Creator and the ego. For a few thousand years, the ego/fear was allowed to temporarily take over in this war, and led humanity into the depths of darkness. But now, Love has declared enough is enough, and the period of darkness will now end. And of course, LOVE ALWAYS WINS in the end - it's the universal LAW.
🤼 An army of pure channels of Love is being created with the mission of causing global healing and carrying out Love's victory on the planet. All those who wish to participate in the unfolding of the Divine's plan for ushering in the new Golden Age are invited to this initiation gathering. During this initiation gathering, you will be trained in how to harness your infinite power in order to heal humanity and radiate Love to the whole world. You will also be initiated to become a pure channel of Love, and you will discover within yourself what your unique role in this grand time is.
It is no accident that you have been drawn to this retreat listing. You have always known that you were destined to play an important role during an incredible time on planet Earth, and your soul has been waiting oh so patiently.
Well, now the time has finally come! 🎉
🌍 Humanity is currently going through an incredible transition into an age of higher consciousness. This Golden Age has been spoken of by many throughout history. On the other side of this transition is the new humanity that will be full of peace, joy, unconditional love, spiritual growth, and technological advancements. However, there is much work that needs to be done to get us there, and this work is not just going to be done by itself.
👼 Your soul wanted to be on Earth during this incredible time, but so did many many souls. Why were you chosen? Because you are the strongest of the strong, and you not only wanted to witness this incredible time, but you wanted to play an important part in the process. You have known deep within yourself your whole life that you were destined to do something great. You knew this, yet you didn't know what this would be, and when you would do it. As time went by, and you experienced your spiritual awakening, you could feel that the time was coming closer and closer. You have been witnessing the world seeming to fall apart in so many ways, and great compassion has been building within you, yet you didn't know what you could do about it all. Your patience wore thin many times, and you have often felt lost, stuck & powerless, yet you kept going - Why? Because that's how strong you are!
👩🚒 Well, we are here to tell you that the time has finally come! The time has come for all those souls who wanted to be the ground crew channels for the Divine during this incredible time to gather to be initiated for their big roles. During this initiation gathering, you will learn new advanced techniques to heal humanity and shine your glorious light upon the planet to eventually drive all fear and darkness away, once and for all. By 'advanced' techniques, we do not mean difficult to understand; we mean advanced in terms of power and impact. These techniques have only been recently shared by the Divine to catalyze the collective healing of humanity. You will also learn how to become the purest possible channel of unconditional love, light, and healing at all times.
💪 You may not know it yet, but you possess INFINITE power! This initiation gathering will help you realise and harness this power in order to heal humanity. Yes you heard that right - YOU have the power to heal the WHOLE of humanity, and we will teach you how.
💚🎇 On the final full day, Love Has Won will be putting on an incredible 'Love Awakening' event for you. This unique event will involve high frequency music, ecstatic dancing, and legal plant medicines which, when combined all together, will allow you to receive a very high amount of love within your being. After this love awakening event, the love you received during the event will continue working through you until you are a purified channel of Love, at which point you will know what your unique role during this grand time is, and you will be ready to fulfil this role.
⚡ Many higher-dimensional beings will be present during the event to do their part in ensuring you get what you need from the event so that you can fulfill your important role. Many high-frequency cosmic energies will also be present during the event to aid in the process.
LOVE HAS ALREADY WON in the higher dimensions. How do we know? Because we, the hosts, witnessed and were a part of this victory during an incredible joint experience. And now you get to play your part in manifesting this victory in our dimension here on Earth. This is a call for you to join a side in a game that is guaranteed to win.
✔ Those who have done much healing work on themselves and are now ready to turn some of their focus towards healing humanity (it's important to be honest with yourself here). If you still feel you have much healing to do, we recommend you explore the self-healing courses on the following website to ensure you experience the healing you need as quickly as possible: www.lovehaswon.co.uk.
✔Those who accept, or are willing to accept, the oneness of the universe - i.e that you are everything and everyone.
✔Those who are willing to drop their judgement of others, accept responsibility for all of humanity's actions, & completely forgive yourself and all others.
✔ Those who have a strong passion and longing to heal the world in an egoless way (and by egoless way, we mean without looking to take credit, and without perhaps seeing material evidence of your impact right away).
❌ Those who have only just started, or are in the middle of, their personal healing journey and require most of their focus on continuing their own healing. We will be putting on these events at least twice a year, so we encourage you to keep going with your healing until you feel ready to attend. If you would like to speed up your healing process, we encourage you to explore the self-healing courses available on www.lovehaswon.co.uk.
❌ Those who are too attached to the illusion of separation and don't want to accept the truth that no one else exists in this universe but you.
❌ Those who enjoy judging others and are unwilling to take responsibility for all of humanity's actions & forgive all of humanity.
❌ Those who do not have a strong passion and longing to heal the world, or only want to heal others if they can take credit for it and are able to see material evidence of the healing impact right away.
This is an event like no other, and we encourage you to tune in to your heart to feel if this event is right for you. If you feel an inner excitement to come, we encourage you to follow your heart's guidance. We look forward to welcoming you into our army and embarking on our exciting missions together.
What Makes This Retreat Special:
💚 This is a completely unique gathering, the likes of which humanity has not experienced before. The wisdom that will be shared, the activities and workshops that will be done, and the Love Awakening that will occur at this event will not be found anywhere else. This is THE gathering for those souls who are ready to be a channel for Love's victory against the darkness on the planet.
👯 This event will also be an incredible opportunity to connect with other loving, proactive, and strong warriors of light. There will be plenty of time to socialise with the other guests during the gathering.
🎸🎵 There will also be music each evening because, after all, we are the side of Love, Joy, and Light in this war. This is not a war of seriousness, but is more like an illusory game where you are guaranteed to win. The more light-hearted you are and the more joy you have during this war, the stronger your impact will be.