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[AT HOME] Dependent Origination and Emptiness: An Online Retreat for Experienced Students - Applications Open

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Online via Zoom
August 1 - 6, 2025

About this Retreat

Your Guides

Details of this retreat

In this retreat, Leigh will teach theory and guided practice on Dependent Origination, one of his favorite dharma topics, from his book “Dependent Origination and Emptiness: Streams of Dependently Arising Processes Interacting,” which is free to download at the above link.

Heather will teach and guide Emptiness-Awareness practices informed by a lineage she teaches from the Thai forest tradition, called MahaSati: Pure Awareness-Emptiness (for more information click the link).

You can expect to experience dynamic alive teachings and invitations into direct practice, as when Leigh and Heather teach together, they take risks in sharing the dharma, and enjoy riffing off of each other’s depth of teachings.

Every full day of retreat there will be two 90 minute teaching and guided meditation sessions taught by the teachers. These sessions build upon one another, so it’s important to be able to attend all teacher-led sessions to participate in this retreat, including the opening and closing sessions, which will also have teachings.

In addition, all participants will have one small group practice interview with Leigh, and individual practice interviews with Heather to support your practice.

The teachers expect those participating to be following their own meditation retreat schedule of sitting and walking meditation during the periods we are not in the whole group session, in which they can put the teachings and meditation instructions into practice over time.

This is designed to be a fully immersive retreat. As such, retreatants are welcome to conduct their formal meditation practice from their homes or, if it is more supportive, from rented accommodations.

Prerequisite: This retreat is for those who have sat at least 14 nights of previous silent meditation retreat (in any tradition), and have the ability to attend all teacher-led zoom sessions, including the opening and closing sessions.

Timeline for Applications & Registration: Rolling applications will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis beginning in March and close one month prior to the start date of the retreat. Once reviewed, selected participants will be invited to register. An initial nonrefundable deposit will be required in order to secure your space. Full payment of all program fees will be due one month prior to the start of the retreat.




Opening Session:
7 – 8:30 pm (EDT) / 4 – 5:30 (PDT)

Teaching, Guided Meditation from the teachers:
11:30 am – 1 pm (EDT) /  8:30 – 10 am (PDT)

Small Group Interviews of 5 people with Leigh:
2 – 3 and 4 – 5 pm (EDT) / 11 – 12 pm and 1 – 2 pm (PDT)

Individual Interviews with Heather:
1:30 – 4:15 pm (EDT) / 10:30 am – 1:15 pm (PDT)

Teaching, Guided Meditation from the teachers:
7 – 8:30 pm (EDT) / 4 – 5:30 (PDT)

Closing Session:
11:30 – 1:00 pm (EDT) / 8:30 – 10 am (PDT)

All registrations are subject to our new 2025 cancellation policy. All retreatants must review and agree to this policy upon registration.

For our 2025 retreats, three fee tiers are offered. Please choose the option that best fits your ability to give in this time. Any amount paid above the Base rate is a tax deductible contribution to Southern Dharma Retreat Center. Your confirmation email is your receipt for tax purposes.

We are deeply grateful for your support.

Note that registration fees do not include dana for the teacher(s). In the Buddhist tradition the teachings are offered freely and teachers are not paid for their offerings. They rely on dana contributions from students. Similarly, Southern Dharma keeps registration fees low to ensure the Dharma is accessible to all. Fees cover only a fraction of Southern Dharma’s operating expenses. We appreciate your practice of generosity to continue the dissemination of the Dharma.

Southern Dharma provides session recordings to participants who are joining from more than 3 time zones away. Please be sure to indicate that you are interested in this option during the registration process.

Southern Dharma is now offering 50% scholarship awards for BIPOC and Young Adults, in addition to those with financial need. Indicate your interest in a Southern Dharma in-house scholarship during the registration process.

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