1661 W Rd, Hot Springs, NC 28743, USA
July 15 - 20, 2025
About this Retreat
Phyllis Hicks (she/her) teaches Insight Dialogue retreats internationally and is co-developer of the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program (IMP). She chairs the Insight Dialogue Community Teachers’ Council. She has studied with a variety of Vipassana teachers since 1999, and extensively with Gregory Kramer since 2004. As a psychotherapist for over 30 years, she brings together Eastern and Western understandings of psychology and contemplative practice. She teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at Duke Integrative Medicine and is a guiding teacher for Triangle Insight. Phyllis lives in Chapel Hill, NC.
Joyce Curnan (she/her) completed a 2-year teacher training course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in 2009 at Hogeschool Utrecht and is a category 1 MBSR teacher registered with the Dutch MBSR teachers’ association (VMBN). Joyce started meditation in her teens with varying levels of "success". It took her many years of trying different approaches to discover more depth. In the past 15 years it has become a very large part of her life as a way of navigating life through meditative awareness.
Since finishing the teachers training, she's offered MBSR in clinical settings and for the public both in-person and online plus Mindfulness Meditation courses in businesses and schools. She is also a mindfulness-teacher trainer and mentor for the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program based in the US (developed by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield). She continues to practice, study, assist and organize silent retreats and supplementary trainings for some of the most respected meditation teachers from around the world. In 2021 she was recognized as an Insight Dialogue teacher (Insight Dialogue is a relational practice rooted in the Vipassana tradition).
Details of this retreat
“Come and see for yourself.” The Buddha
Join us for this relational meditation retreat. When we open to the immediacy of our experience, we have supportive conditions for seeing clearly, for loosening identification, and for transforming tension and reactivity into understanding. As we cultivate meditative qualities together, the heart releases into connection. We discover suffering and the end of suffering.
Supported by kind attention and the voices of others, new insights can dawn and wholesome relational qualities can arise. We can see for ourselves the beauty of the Buddha’s transformative teachings and the liberating power of spiritual friendship.
Meditating alone and together we will develop meditative qualities of mindfulness, concentration, energy, joy, compassion, and equanimity. We will explore both the expansive capacities and limiting habits of our hearts and minds through the practices of Insight Dialogue.
Insight Dialogue (ID) brings together relational meditation, the wisdom teachings of the Buddha, and friendship on the path to reveal the nature, source, and release of human suffering. Our shared intentions and practice amplify mindfulness and can illuminate and inspire a path of practice in our daily lives.
The retreat will be held in noble silence as we explore the power of mindfully listening and speaking out of silence. There will be times of silent sitting, immersion in nature, mindful movement, and dialogue in groups of 2 or more, with a precise direction of contemplation.
This retreat is suitable for all with or without prior Insight Dialogue experience. Prior meditation experience is advised, retreat experience is suggested. If you have questions about the suitability of this retreat Phyllis will be happy to answer. More information about Insight Dialogue and a short video demonstrating the practice can be found here: https://insightdialogue.org/relational-practices/insight-dialogue/getting-started/
We will not be requiring or administering Covid-19 tests in 2025, but please bring mindfulness to your activity in the days leading up to the retreat out of consideration for our staff, teachers and participants. Masks will be optional and encouraged, especially if a participant is feeling unwell. Avoiding higher risk situations and making use of masks whenever possible will minimize the likelihood of transmitting viruses to others while on site. We strongly encourage folks to stay home if they are symptomatic of any communicable illness.
First-time retreatants at Southern Dharma must arrive by 5pm ET on the first day of retreat. Check-in begins at 3pm. Returning yogis can check-in between 3 and 6pm.
Departures will take place by 2:00pm on the last day of retreat. Please make sure that you can attend the full program before registering.
All registrations are subject to our new 2025 cancellation policy. All retreatants must review and agree to this policy upon registration.
For our 2025 retreats, three fee tiers are offered. Please choose the option that best fits your ability to give in this time. Any amount paid above the Base rate is a tax deductible contribution to Southern Dharma Retreat Center. Your confirmation email is your receipt for tax purposes.
We are deeply grateful for your support.
Note that registration fees do not include dana for the teacher(s). In the Buddhist tradition the teachings are offered freely and teachers are not paid for their offerings. They rely on dana contributions from students. Similarly, Southern Dharma keeps registration fees low to ensure the Dharma is accessible to all. Fees cover only a fraction of Southern Dharma’s operating expenses. We appreciate your practice of generosity to continue the dissemination of the Dharma.
Housing and all meals are included in the program fee. We are currently offering six housing options:
Bed in Lodge, shared double room (2nd floor)
Bed in Lodge, dorm with privacy partitions (3rd floor)
Unheated kuti (single cabin, outdoor bathroom)
Heated kuti (single cabin, outdoor bathroom)
Canvas Tent (furnished, outdoor bathroom)
Basic Tent Platform (camping with your own gear)
Please use the appropriate field in the registration process to let us know your preferences in regards to housing, if any, and also specify if you insist on or prefer being housed with others of the same gender. All housing options are priced the same except for the Basic Tent Platform.
Southern Dharma is offers 50% scholarship awards for BIPOC and Young Adults, in addition to those with financial need. Indicate your interest in a Southern Dharma in-house scholarship during the registration process.
In 2025, the Hemera Foundation will not be offering fellowships in the same manner as pervious years, there will be no application or approval process. Southern Dharma is deeply grateful for Hemera Foundation's continued support of the center's ability to provide scholarships through their generous grant. Yogis who have utilized Hemera Foundation Fellowships in the past are welcome to utilize any of the in-house scholarship options.