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Eighteen Day Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru - $4650

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Chamisal Retreat CenterIquitos, Peru
April 13 - 30, 2025

About this Retreat

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Details of this retreat

The Eighteen Day Shipibo Ayahuasca Retreat is an opportunity to receive a complete treatment from an authentic curandero in the Amazon rainforest. Participants spend 18 days at the Ayahuasca Foundation’s Riosbo Retreat and Research Center (plus 2 days in Iquitos), participating in 9 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo curandero and the assistant healers. In addition to the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants also receive a wide variety of plant treatments that cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, as well as remedies specific to their afflictions. This retreat is much more than just receiving treatment for physical, mental, and emotional problems, it is also an opportunity to get to know yourself on a much deeper level, connect with nature in a unique and fascinating way, and gain a much greater understanding of reality.

The Shipibo plant medicine tradition allows participants to take greater control of their lives, their thoughts, their actions, and their overall health. The unique qualities of the ayahuasca ceremonies provide participants with the opportunity to play an active role in the healing process, confronting their negativity, past traumas, or possible roots of their illnesses. The plant treatments further enhance this process, working to boost the immune system, balance the digestive system, purify the nervous system, cleanse the circulatory system, and heal the emotional body. The treatment is complete and total, effecting positive changes on all levels and allowing the participants to realize the path to their health and happiness. Further counseling is provided after the retreat to assist with the challenges of integration upon return.

Accompanying the treatment and enhancing the healing process is a diet. Some participants may need to follow an even stricter diet than the others due to their particular issues, like no eggs or fish, for example. The diet is a necessary element of the treatment but it is not a difficult sacrifice, thanks to the wonderful cooks we have at the center. The basic restrictions of the diet are no salt, no sugar, no oil, and no spices. A typical breakfast is oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, and rice with steamed vegetables. A typical lunch is a root vegetable soup with rice or quinoa and a light salad, and dinner is usually similar to lunch.

The plant remedies are typically ingested before meals, but also include a variety of plant baths and include special purgatives to help clean out several systems in the body. The plant baths are very helpful when dealing with afflictions that have roots in the spirit, like traumas or lack of self-love, or if a participant is not having visions in the ayahuasca ceremonies. Vapor baths are used so that participants can absorb the plant medicines in all manner possible. The purgatives may be difficult treatments, for they induce vomiting and diarrhea, but the effects are very positive afterward.

The first week of the retreat is often spent getting to know the curandero and the assistant healers, as well as getting accustomed to the ayahuasca ceremonies and plant treatments. This first week is often when strong emotions begin to come out and the participants begin to discover the root causes of their afflictions. Faith is built during this time and the following week and a half is spent delving deeper into these causes, understanding these roots and working to pull them up to the surface to be dealt with properly in the ayahuasca ceremonies. The curandero and the assistant healers work hard to help each participant find solutions to their issues and realize their total and complete healing of any and all afflictions.

In addition to receiving treatment, retreat participants also have the opportunity to learn a great deal about the healing traditions of the Amazon Rainforest. Several workshops will be held during the retreat to teach various aspects of the tradition, like the use of mapacho and agua florida and singing the sacred healing songs, called icaros. When participants leave our ayahuasca retreats, they not only return home with health and happiness, but also with the knowledge of how it was achieved, which can be invaluable when embarking on a new path in life, the true path meant for each person.

The $4,450 price includes:
Pre-program counseling session with
Gain insights into how best to prepare for the experience

Airport pickup
You'll be met at the Iquitos airport and brought to the hotel

Accommodations for 17 nights at the Retreat Center
Screened in rooms with private bathrooms and electricity

Transportation to and from the Retreat Center
Air conditioned bus (1hr) and an amazing boat ride (1hr)

At least two meals a day, following a healing diet
Fruit, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, grilled fish, eggs, etc.

Translation of entire program when needed
Assistants also add their own experiences and teachings

Access to the Assistants for counseling/guidance
3 assistants will be available throughout the retreat

USB of retreat photos and ceremony recordings
Audio recordings of ceremonies and digital photos

Other gifts and educational items
You’ll receive other gifts and healing tools as well

Post-program counseling session with
Enhance the process of integration when you get home
9 traditional Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Led by an indigenous curandero and the AF assistants

2 private consultations with the curandero
Translated by the assistant healers

Daily Piñon Colorado brain/blood remedy
Taken three times a day for the duration of the retreat

1 Sangre de Grado digestive system cleanse
Reset digestive enzymes and enhance nutrient absorption

6 Vapor Baths with five medicinal plants
Sweat out toxins and replace them with healing medicine

2 Mucura sinus cleanses 
cleanse the sinuses and boost immunity against allergies

6 Plants Baths
Connect further with the plants and soak in the medicine

2 Smoke Baths
Increase energetic defenses and protection from negativity

1 Chiric Sanango nervous system cleanse
Boost the immune system and release emotional blockages

2 Love Baths
For attracting positive energy, good luck, and love

Any additional treatments
Poultices, medicines, massage, or whatever is needed

Retreats take a maximum of 12 participants

Getting Here

Location icon Ayahuasca Foundation, Chamisal Retreat CenterIquitos, Peru



Customer Reviews

4.91 out of 5.0 average rating

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Great Curandero

Don Rono is a highly ethical curandero. He is a knowledgeable and trustworthy person. The ceremonies he administered were incredibly strong and powerful, and his workshops were equally engaging and informative. I thoroughly enjoyed every ceremony and the icaros, which greatly enhanced my profound journeys during the ceremonies.

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Great Curandero and facilitators and a very comfortable facilities
I stayed at the Riosbo Center for 4 weeks to attend the empowerment course. Starting with the facilities, I appreciated having a private room and bathroom. The availability of electricity at the center, which is not the case at all other centers, was very important. The laundry facilities were excellent and much appreciated. The center itself is housed in a spacious and well-maintained building. Meals were prepared by a professional cook, and the ingredients used were abundant, taking into account the dietary restrictions required for the Ayahuasca retreat.

The initial organization of the arrival was also very well managed, including clear information about what participants needed to bring, prepare for, and an arrival guide. Hotel booking before departure to the Riosbo Center and airport pickup were also arranged smoothly.

Daily activities were abundant, starting with learning workshops on plants and curanderismo, as well as yoga sessions, breathwork, and sharing circles. We also had ample opportunities to drink plant medicines for various healing purposes, along with plant and vapor baths.

I absolutely loved the ceremonies. The facilitators and curandero were highly professional, knowledgeable, and ethical. Without them, my experience would not have been as enjoyable. They went above and beyond to assist each participant with everything they needed. The ayahuasca ceremonies were administered in the most ethical and professional manner, creating a very safe environment. The tips and guidance I received from the facilitators were invaluable, and the power and energy I felt from the curandero were incredible.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ayahuasca ceremonies, which served as a teacher and helped me understand and perceive many dimensions and profound wisdom.

I would be delighted to return to the centre and continue my journey of self-exploration. A special thanks to Carlos, Cassandra, Mariela, Brian, Pancho, Sergio, José, and all the staff at the centre.

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Ay Foundation Dec 2024
Wow! An amazing retreat. The teachings were very well structured and flowed through to us in a timely fashion. So insightful and the environment was eell structured for learning!

Highly recommend!!

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Just how powerful we all
It is life changing experience! I lived 8 weeks as a spirit so happy floating around and tap into unknown sides of me. I completely forgot about my body there really no mirrors around, I felt very beautiful, graceful at all times.
I found connection to God, plants are all so alive and telepathically communicating at all times. All plant medicine is amazingly healing and did exactly what it is said to do.
I tuned in to feel like that is our real state of being to feel magic, creativity, lightness, beauty, empowerment. That was incredible to find out that I can sing when I haven’t even learned one song in my lifetime. I felt myself genius my memory was incredible I could memorize anything, my head space was so clear, my will power was back, my boundaries are so strong and ego became very small. I really walk joyfully as a very happy child.
I haven’t craved any food and barely wanted to eat I realized just how much I was just unconsciously eating to numb myself.
I have no desire to watch tv and rather go for a walk. I talk to God all the time now and I feel Gods presence everywhere.
All of the people working at retreat doing really good job. They never interfere with your energy and very careful around what they do and say so you can have your authentic experience without any suggestion. I found everyone being very kind and carrying. You will get basic food as expected but it is more than enough and just perfect.
I have learned how powerful I can be and I know that we all are. It reminded me of a lion story, who was raised by sheep and thought he was a sheep until he got awakened by another lion.
I thank you all for this experience as I am integrating and solidifying all that I learned and awakened in me every day I believe more and more that is real me. :)

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My experience was absolutely beautiful and amazing, the facility, and the staff were the most amazing and accommodating!

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