53 Mill Street, Westfield, MA, USA
May 10, 2025
About this Retreat
Lorraine Mangione is a professor of psychology at Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire, where she teaches doctoral students in the Department of Clinical Psychology and has strong interest in loss and grief, spirituality in psychology, creativity and meaning-making, and women and life transitions.
Roz Forti is a clinical social worker who practices in Ludlow. She initially trained as a social historian, and continues to be interested in processes of social change. For the past several years she has been working with seniors in group settings around aspects of healthy living. She also has an interest in systematic barriers to community mental health.
Details of this retreat
Discover a transformative journey through the second half of life, where personal reinvention meets profound self-discovery. "Laughter, Tears, Joy and Fears" invites women to embrace change, explore unexpected opportunities, and uncover a renewed sense of identity and purpose.
There is always the possibility of new beginnings in the second half of life as one embraces both the exciting and the daunting aspects of moving along in life. As women move into and past mid-life, their sense of themselves, their values, and who they are becoming may face changes as areas of their lives such as families, friendships, work and creativity, bodies and health, and their relationship to God and the spiritual begin to change. There may be a greater appreciation of opportunities for further generativity in unexpected ways, as well as ways to nurture the soul and its own path. We invite women to explore themselves and their lives and start to uncover and create a renewed sense of self and identity in keeping with this important season of their lives. We will do this through discussion, sharing, group exercises, art and creativity, and readings.
Start 9:00 AM
End: 4:30 PM