Up to 25 in group
September 18, 2025 - March 20, 2026
About this Retreat
Sister Paz has a MA Theology and Ministry at Catholic Theological Union. She is Spiritual Director, Retreat and Workshop presenter. Sister Paz loves to share her Mexican traditions, especially her experiences on the Day of the Dead. She is a Oasis & Pray Practice Facilitator.
Sister Monika, a member of St. Placid Priory since 1971, is a spiritual director, musician and artist. She is an enthusiastic teacher who loves to pass on what she knows about craft.
Anna-Camille Wooden, OSB is a Benedictine sister in the St. Placid community where she is the sub-prioress, Oblate Director, program presenter, and part of the care team for the monastery cat. She has a long time Centering Prayer practice, is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer, an experienced retreat leader, and is on the Contemplative Outreach Northwest Leadership team.
Sr Sonja Weber, OSB is a Prayer practices, Oasis and Retreat Leader
Sr. Laura Swan, OSB, is a writer and spiritual director, who also serves St Placid community as Formation Director. She is the author of numerous books, including The Forgotten Desert Mothers and The Wisdom of the Beguines. Sister Laura holds many different hats she is a "YouTube star” too.
Sr Julian Cleary, OSB, has practiced disability law for about 25 years. More recently she has engaged in immigration work. To Sr. Julian the Reverend Howard Thurman has been a model and a mentor in absentia of inner transformation, peaceful advocacy, and a purveyor of dignity and respect to all.
Details of this retreat
Do you yearn for rest, prayer and nurturing in your busy schedule? What would your life look like if you gave yourself or/& to a beloved one two retreat opportunities at the Center, plus six quiet afternoons during the year? Silence, spiritual direction and Lectio Divina are available to aid your reflection.
Every Third Thursday of the month, 1:30 pm- 7:15 pm --at the Spirituality Center or Zoom
Sep 18: Ch.1 The Gift of Winter and Darkness —Sr. Laura
Retreat: Oct 15-17 Wednesday, 7:15pm - Friday, 1:00pm @ Spirituality Center
Oct 16: Ch.2: Spiritual Bypassing and Shadow Work —Sr Paz
Nov 20: Ch. 3 Grief as Holy Path —Sr. Sonja
Jan 15: Ch. 4 The Apophatic Path or Way of Understanding —Sr Anna Camille
Feb 19: Ch. 5 The Compassionate, Fierce, Dark Feminine —Sr. Julian
Retreat: Mar 19-21: Wednesday, 7:15pm—Friday, 1:00pm @ Spirituality Center
Mar 19: Ch. 6: The Transformative Mythic Journey —Sr. Monika
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