Here is an example, it is our day 2 retreat schedule:
Morning mountain meditation: Tune in to the three sisters vortex and energy of archangel Michael. The mountains of the Bow Valley Rockies are intensely powerful. They offer healing and strength that we can lean into for our individual soul journeys.
Breathing to move and give your spirit wings with Susan Massitti
2.5 Hour break to rest, eat lunch, go shopping, nap, etc.
Self energy healing: Go deep into your energy body. Offer the chakras healing and repair as we call on Universal Energy to flow into you bringing you all that you need at this time.
Intention vessel ceremony: There will be crafting! There will be an opening to your inner child to create something magical here. We will be decorating our own individual intention vessels and filling them with our intentions. Then we will be harnessing Universal Life force to help bring this manifestations to life.
Cacao ceremony, sound-releasing & ecstatic dance in the full pink moon: We will begin with a heart chakra cacao ceremony. Followed by a sound session with Marie Andree, and then an Ecstatic Dance with Carrie. The intention here is opening and expression of true self. We will create a safe space to let your spirit soar!
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change