
About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Originally from The Netherlands, Mo has tapped into 20 years of experience in the personal development, medicine and spirituality to develop the methodology for Oyasin.

A student of medicine, and a student of life, she is living her life purpose by running Oyasin; guiding leaders from across the world to deep healing and transformation through group and private retreats, ceremonies, as well as 1-on-1 mentorship.

Previously being a serial entrepreneur herself, having run companies in India, South Africa, Netherlands, Portugal and Mexico, as well as holding various Director roles in consultancy, she understands the world of entrepreneurs and leaders very well.

As a medicine guide she works with the medicine of Ayahuasca, Peyote, Huachuma and mushrooms. She's been initiated in serving the medicine of cacao in the Mayan tradition. She walks the path of hikuri (peyote) with the mara'akames in Mexico. She's honoured to support indigenous healers from various lineages; she walks the path alongside them while simultaneously being the bridge between them and the Western world.

As a meditation student and teacher she has a decade of silent retreat experience (Zen, Vipassana & Hridaya), two decades of yoga experience, and she has studied and experienced every personal transformation possible: from solo Himalaya hikes, to freediving, breathwork, emotional release, radical intimacy, communication, Kundalini activation, tantra, contact improvisation, bodywork, voice activation, shamanic practices.​

All the above experiences and knowledge led to her own healing, and this way to the birth of Oyasin.

Many leaders seek refuge in Mo for her ability to guide profound breakthroughs in transformation through her heart-opening and powerful energy, ability to intuitively 'see' things that are hidden, the combination of feeling and wisdom, truthful communication, embodiment of lightness even when engaging with darkness, and deep devotion to and love for her life purpose.

Her medicine is unconditional love: guiding her clients in their deepest healing processes through helping them with opening their hearts, while forming a bond and connection that lasts.

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