Meet Sunny Day, she is the MoManager, Heart Keeper, and Kitty Mama of the Mystical Yoga Farm. Sunny is kindhearted and grounded, she is a beautiful example of how to live a life full of compassion.
She inspires everyone she meets to live with an open heart, to share their voice, and to be in peace and harmony with each other and Mother Earth. Sunny can lighten up even the darkest of rooms with her smile and playfulness.
Her favorite way to teach yoga is incorporating singing and/or dancing. She often calls her classes “flowga” to really empower people to flow with their own body and breath. Sunny is also available for 1 on 1 support, to be a neutral ear to listen and to help resolve any conflicts that may arise.
This is why we call her the Mama of the farm. She will comfort anyone with open arms and a big bear hug.
Sunny first came to volunteer at the MYF in November 2018. During these 4 months, she rose in love with this land, community, and project. She could hear the land speaking to her, inviting her to root down at the MYF and step into a leadership role.
She knew there were a few more things she needed to learn outside of the farm before she could take on this commitment. She returned in December 2019 to see how she could serve this project on a greater level.
During the pandemic in 2020, Sunny became the heartkeeper of the MYF, keeping the small community onsite calm and present in their heart space during these unsure times in the world. As restrictions began to lift she quickly shifted into the Farm Manager.
In this role, Sunny responds to emails, coordinates guests/volunteers/facilitators, and on a physical level helps out with just about anything on the farm from cleaning, guiding ceremonies, teaching yoga, cooking up the most delicious cacao, welcoming guests, and the list goes on.
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