Taita Juan Bautista of the Kamentsa lineage Colombia
About the Teacher
Why study with them?
Taita Juan is the founder of the Shanayoy Center, he is a Kametsa indigenous, leader, and three-times governor of the Cabildo Kamentsa of Sibundoy Putumayo.
He has dedicated his life to the well-being of the Kamentsa people, and the preservation of the language, culture, and environment of the indigenous reservation.
He is the son of Taita Martín Agreda, a man of knowledge of the Kamentsa tribe and comes from a recognized family of traditional Yageceros.
Taita Juan is a well-established leader in his community and has more than 40 years of experience working with Amazonian medicine, including yagé (Ayahuasca) and other plants. He has been recognized by the Minister of Health in Colombia as a traditional healer.