About the Teacher
Why study with them?
Kirsty Kaye was given her shamanic name AyaniBu in ceremony by Shaman Beja Flor of the Huni Kuin tribe Brazil. AyaniBu is the name of her spirit which means medicine woman, curandera.
She has a deep practice of Yoga, specifically Kundalini and Pranayama.
She has trained with many Shamans from different parts of the world including the Amazon. Working with the elements to restore balance and harmony.
A Shakti Healing Therapist. Guardian of the Womb. Wisdom keeper.
Plant medicine, trauma and Ancestral Healing supporting facilitator.
I will be holding and guiding you throughout your retreat. My soul intentions are to create a space with you in which you feel safe, held, heard, seen and empowered to be yourself fully. So that you may continue to open and blossom in your own flow.
My background
After a turbulent childhood experiencing multiple traumas. My life led me down a path of deep healing and many transformations. Gaining wisdom of how to transform dense energy enables me to support others to do the same.
I went through a long purification process working with Shamans from Columbia, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and England along with many plant medicines of Mother Nature.
Through out my journey self love has been the key to healing.
Along my journey, I have been blessed with many sacred teachings from many inspirational shining beings, i open my heart to share with you.
I looked forward to sharing with you and supporting you however i can.
Know that i am here for your before during and after our retreats.
Much love & Blessings.