Guillermo Lopez

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Like his brother, Maestro Guillermo Lopez is a healer in the Shipibo-Konibo tradition of shamanism. His ancestry is in the Pucallpa region in the village of San Franscisco (Yarinacocha), where he grew up. Having now moved to Iquitos, the mission of both Maestros is to preserve and spread the ancestral way of working with plant medicine as taught by their elders.

This includes work with Ayahuasca, as well as a many other master plants and medicinal herbs. In line with the worldview of the elders, Maestro Guillermo connects with the plants to help to bring about healing in the whole person - on a spiritual as well as bodily and psychological level. Healing in this tradition is both an art and a discipline that requires a long and dedicated practice, reflecting a deep respect to the Medicine and the path of sharing it with others.

With Maestros Guillermo and Daniel, you can be sure of a safe space for the deepest healing journeys, as guided by the plant spirits and the experienced Maestros at BIRI BENXO.

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