About the Teacher
Why study with them?
Rigunkuana Kuashenunkua
Guardian Defender of Mother Earth's Origin Music.
Music producer, singer, drummer, composer, weaver of song as prayer, with 19 years of experience in the study and diet of earth medicines, and 14 years of experience on the path with Grandmother Yage (Ayahuasca).
Assistant, facilitator, Cantora in ceremonies of sacred medicines, master plants of the earth.
Singer/Author of Origen Music for Pacha Mama
Shaski woman activist, messenger and spokesperson of the Indigenous word of the law of origin of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Wiwa nation, with Lwnatana Nakogui.
Vrinda Mission initiate and supporter
Initiated in Ikwashendwna Natura People
Founder EcoAldea Inkahuara Bolivia
Founder Danzafrolatina Foundation
Facilitator in Singing Circles Medicine
Dancer Instructor in African Arts
Moon Dancer.
Guardian Defender of Mother Earth's Origin Music.
Music producer, singer, drummer, composer, weaver of song as prayer, with 19 years of experience in the study and diet of earth medicines, and 14 years of experience on the path with Grandmother Yage (Ayahuasca).
Assistant, facilitator, Cantora in ceremonies of sacred medicines, master plants of the earth.
Singer/Author of Origen Music for Pacha Mama
Shaski woman activist, messenger and spokesperson of the Indigenous word of the law of origin of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Wiwa nation, with Lwnatana Nakogui.
Vrinda Mission initiate and supporter
Initiated in Ikwashendwna Natura People
Founder EcoAldea Inkahuara Bolivia
Founder Danzafrolatina Foundation
Facilitator in Singing Circles Medicine
Dancer Instructor in African Arts
Moon Dancer.