Cathi Fajardo

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Cathi is a Holistic Nutritionist, Teacher, and Spiritual Healer. Her childhood was full of dis-ease, including autoimmunity, ADHD, and PTSD. Then, as an adult, she suffered severe pregnancy/postpartum issues and was later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in her 30s. She has been walking the wounded warrior path for decades. Through many life experiences and healing herself, it’s become clear that she is here to help others on the same path.

She became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) after witnessing the power that food has on our health. Her daughter healed completely from Celiac Disease + anaphylactic allergies after 2 years of Nutritional Therapy, and since then, Cathi has helped hundreds of people heal themselves.

Cathi left the United States in 2019 to pursue her calling to learn with Indigenous Tribes who hold the secrets of healing the mind, body, and spirit. She is forever grateful to have found plant medicines like Huachuma, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Rape/hape, Cacao & the great frog medicine, Kambo.

Since starting this International journey, she realized how many women want to travel to have the same experiences but are scared to do it alone and many women are getting hurt in this process of seeking out healing. Due to being neurodivergent, she had a much more difficult time going through the retreat process than others did. She never felt truly understood as someone on the spectrum or that her “special needs” were accepted.

That’s why she decided it was time to co-create a retreat focused on safety for women – so women don’t have to feel scared & alone like she did going through unguided experiences in Peru.

“It takes a tribe of women to heal. Your sensitivities are seen and supported at Medicine Women Peru"

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