Cristopher Dickson - Breathwork facilitator & Wim Hof Method instructor

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

When I was a young child I had a keen sense of magic. In bed at night I used to hold my hand up to the moonlight and see the glow land on the tip of my pointed index finger. I imagined that the light was a power, an energy coming out from within me. As we mature into the world we are taught that we are separate from one another, powerless. We lose our playfulness, our innate sense of connection. I believe breathwork and cold exposure can help us come back to this state of being.

I have a background in the arts and it is the thread that runs through my life, it connects my relationships and the path I’ve taken, now living happily in Portugal.

My experiences with depression, with the ill health of family members, my meditation practice and natural curiosity all led me to discovering the Wim Hof Method and that’s where I found connection again, to myself, to nature, to others. It may not be magic, in fact, as Wim has shown, this is very much rooted in science, but as the practice grows and the studies pile up, the truth seems to be we are capable of much more than we think.

It doesn’t come for free. It requires commitment, but the method is a powerful gift and I love to share it. Read More

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