Katja Braun

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Katja was born and raised in the south of Germany. From an early age on, she supported other people to heal in there processes and be of service, where her calling is rooted. Her professional career started as a physiotherapist, but after an accident, where she broke her back, she was left with chronic pain, so she changed careers and started studying again. Staying in the health care system to follow her calling, she did her Bachelors and Masters in Health care Management. During her own healing journey she went through the hands of a lot of doctors and therapists and was trying a long time to repress the symptoms with western medicine. The perspective of being a worker, an administrator and a patient in the system made her realize how sick the western health care system is, so she set out into the world and was looking for alternative healing modalities. Her healing journey brought her first to Mexico, where she started to work with different plant medicines and teachers which now brought her to Peru. By now, she realized to appreciate her sensitive body as a gift to guide her through life, she is a Kambo facilitator and also facilitates in an ayahuasca center in the peruvian jungle. She is super happy and grateful to finally being able to work in her passion again and being of service to others and herself. Just now in a much more holistic, balanced, and healthier way. She is always fascinated to learn something new and therefore is really grateful for all the beautiful teachers, physical and spiritual, that crossed her path. Because in the end, we are all just students of life, and we are never done learning and growing!

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