Maestra Naomi Llerena

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

With the inspiration to seek and research spirituality as a young age, Naomi realised self healing work was something high valuable. By doing her own path of healing she got in contact with the sacred medicines of mother nature. By sitting with the medicines and healing in her own process. She opened up more ways to connect in life and devoted more work into this to put into practise, the plants opened her up more to co-create the art and the ceremony work in a sacred way.

To be at service and be a vessel to share the energy of the plants with people in ceremony. She is walking the path of the plants, trained for many years by Shipibo Lineage (peru amazon) and Huni Kuin lineage (brazil acre).
Trained in facilitating ceremonies, holding space, being a student on the path of Noya Rao and is guided by more plant allies to channel in the sacred space.
Always learning by doing dieta’s and working with different ancient traditions, lineages and meastro’s. She is putting it all in to practise to deepen the connection to herself, the plants and the people around her.

Naomi and Moises met on the path of practising medicine and aligning their love and shared dreams, working as a team balancing the divine femenine and masculine. Together they live in the center in the jungle. Feeling honored to have the calling from the plants to be at service and witness the growth in all participants we work with. To live your highest potential, we must become aware we all carry the most powerful medicine inside... love!

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