Shaman Milena Dos Santos

5.003 reviews

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Milena (daughter of lead Shamans, Silvana and Emerson) is a natural healer and nurturer. Her gifts allowed her to start guiding ceremonies as a teenager. Throughout the years, she has observed her parents and studied the Ayahuasca medicine and its healing properties. Now she is the lead facilitator of many of our workshops, ceremonies, and yoga classes in Brazil, and is the lead Shaman at our U.S. retreats and ceremonies. Her greatest expertise is within Ayahuasca and Rapé. Milena also speaks both English and Portuguese fluently, allowing for easy translation between Our Lead Shamans, the tribe, and participants of our Brazilian retreats. Milena trusts that through plant medicine, the world can find healing and positivity. This is why she brings the power of AYA to those who normally wouldn't have access to it. Milena is committed to traveling to those in need of the medicine because she knows that with it, we can all find our true selves and our inner peace. She has helped many in both Brazil and the United States during her travels, sharing her knowledge of plant medicine to anyone who is seeking it.

- Herbalist with concentration in Ayahuasca, Rapé, and Sananga
- Helped over 1,050 people gain access to Mother Nature's medicines
- Traveling ceremony facilitator
- Yoga facilitator
- Licensed massage therapist
- Main translator at our Brazilian retreats

"As long as you trust Ayahuasca and your process, you will come out on the other side lighter and happier." -Milena Dos Santos

Upcoming Retreats

Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Great person
Milena is the real deal. She guided us from the very beginning, before we even left for our retreat, checked in multiple times and showed a sincere interest in making sure our experience would be great. She made us delicious healthy food every day, checked in with everyone often and did everything possible to ensure a safe and positive retreat. Couldn’t have asked for a better person to guide us in our first Aya experience.

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From Ethan
She is helpful, friendly, open, and professional. Milena has helping people in mind but still gives you space if you need it.

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the best!
I can not thank Milena enough for making my and everyone’s experience so lovely at the retreat. She is the perfect mix of being there for you and giving you space to work through things.