Katia Boustani

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Katia is internationally recognized in the breathwork industry and stands as one of only five Rebirthing Breath Masters acknowledged by the founding father of Breathwork, Leonard Orr, during his lifetime.

Katia spent years in Leonard Orr’s inner circle, learning directly from the Grand Master and consciously carrying his lineage in her teachings.

She has over 30 years experience in understanding, movin​g and harnessing Energy through the Healing Arts, Breathwork and Elemental Purificat​ion, and is the Founder of Rebirth Breath Therapy®, where she helps clients unravel their minds and unlock their breathing patterns.

Additionally, she trains practitioners to confidently deliver breathwork as a profound healing modality for both themselves and their clients, using her signature Rebirth Breath Therapy® Method. Read More

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