Charmain has worked as a Therapist, Coach and Reiki Master for over 12 years. She draws from a multi-modal toolkit including: somatic/nervous system practices, hypnosis, energy work including Reiki, NLP and astrology, among many others. Her practice is to support people to move toward embodiment, allowing the strategies used to stay safe to fall away and for the authentic nature to shine.
After her own deeply transformative journey with her own trauma, by working directly and consistently with her nervous system towards understanding and embodiment of the wisdom of the body, Charmain now has a focus on bringing the body to the forefront of our journey of awakening and embodiment through creating a loving, nurturing and intimate relationship with our physiology. Tapping into the presence that is always there and available, to bring safety, awareness, release what is ready to move through, integration, embodiment and to hear guidance and our calling.
She is the founder of Beyond Satori, a publishing house offering a range of supportive materials for those on a path of deeper inner knowing and embodiment.
“My calling is to assist humanity in remembering who they are. All of nature knows, only we have forgotten, by design, momentarily.”