Reshin Nika

About the Teacher

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Reshin Nika
Rishin Nika is a Shipibo Maestro from the Ucayali region of Peru who has more than thirty years of experience in working with plant medicines of the jungle. As a youth he apprenticed with several maestros, but it was his grandfather, also named Reshin Nika and who lived to over 100 years old, with whom he developed the deepest connection.
Several of his children have also chosen to embrace the traditions they’ve inherited, and his father is a Maestro as well, which means that Reshin Nika is part four generation lineage of vegatalistas (plant medicine healers).
Reshin Nika is humble yet charismatic, and is an engaging storyteller. Though not a practicing vegatalista herself, Reshin Nika is usually joined by his partner Katey during ceremonies.

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