Gonul Devecioglu

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

If someone asks you to write your biography, how do you start? I have no idea where to start and what to write, I only know if you understand the following text, then you will understand me, too.

Your heart is knocking on your inner door. Open them so that true love, openness, spontaneity, trust, and devotion can find their way back into your life. it is your birthright to be happy.

To feel the easiness of life is one of the most ardent desires of people in our time. We mostly know the happy feeling of light-heartedness from our childhood.

This easiness quickly comes back into the flow when we connect with our heart, because that is where the mildness of being is at home. A secret to finding your way back to lightness lies in the power of simplicity.

Stop making things more complicated than they are! Let things happen and trust, and say "yes" to your inner voice because "as much love grows in you, as much beauty grows in you, love is the beauty of your soul.

Yoga saved me, and that's why I want to say thank you and share yoga with everyone who loves it as much as I do.

Friedrich Nietzsche said:

"You ran too fast for your happiness. Now that you get tired and go slow, it catches up to you."

In Love, your Gönül

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