A great teacher once told me: "Life is an 18-inch journey, from the head to the heart" - this is the journey I am on and I have never felt more Alive. Feeling unfulfilled working in the finance industry lead to three powerful months in Bali, igniting my transformation. I was determined to better understand Humanity- What is our Purpose?
How is Humanity going to evolve? I have since been on an exciting adventure immersing myself in the study of Yoga, Vedanta and plant medicine.
I am forever grateful for the amazing teachers and beings in my life who have passed down existential knowledge including Sri Dharma Mittra, Guru Singh, Sivananda, Pi Villaraza, and Jani Jaatinen.
I am committed to BE a true expression of my heart, to approach and experience everything I do with totality, giving 100% of my Self to the moment. Currently, I host experiential journeys for women to reconnect to their hearts, I run online courses and rose activations.
Bianca is a Beautiful Soul with the ability to calm fears in anybody. The welcome hug I have received from her brought me to tears. During my 3 days with Bianca and Jose, I had wonderful Universe exploration. I was anxious and nervous before smoking Bufo but I felt very comfortable with these beings. They are very genuine with what they do and I am glad I found their place. I am looking forward to doing it again with them. I had an absolutely loving time and I have learn a lot from them. Love you both and thank you!
Una nueva vida
Describir en unas líneas las experiencias vividas con Josito y Bianca en cualquiera de sus retiros se me hace muy difícil. Me siento muy afortunada de haber tenido la suerte de que, personas tan maravillosas como ellos se hayan cruzado en mi camino y hayan sido capaces de cambiarme la vida. Solo quiero dar gracias infinitas a esta maravillosa pareja que dedica su vida a transmitir la verdad y el amor para que esta sociedad en la que vivimos sea capaz de quitarse la venda de los ojos que nos ponen nada más nacer. Superar miedos, experiencias dramáticas, traumas, insatisfacción, ansiedades.. Lo que en occidente es la realidad de mas personas de las que uno pueda imaginar. Josito y Bianca te abren las puertas a un camino de vida que consigue que uno mismo sea capaz de superarlo prácticamente todo. Dándole un sentido a tu vida en la que cada mañana te despiertas dando gracias por el regalo tan maravilloso que es “simplemente” existir y respirar. Pero ellos te enseñan y te van guiando en tu proceso para que realmente empieces a disfrutar de cada instante en presencia, sanando cuerpo y alma a niveles muy profundos. Dando gracias cada día por estar en este mundo, con todo lo bueno y lo malo, y viviendo una vida plena siendo de verdad autentico y fiel al espíritu verdadero de uno mismo. Pasando solo unos momentos con ellos, ya son capaces de transmitir una belleza y sabiduría interior que está muy fuera de nuestro alcance en nuestra vida cotidiana. Tengo la suerte de haber visto el cambio y formación de mi amigo y hermano Josito desde hace años, y cada vez que le veo siempre me vuelve a sorprender con continuas técnicas para mejorar tu vida. Lo transmite de una manera casi innata. Por supuesto, y como no podía ser de otra manera, ha elegido compartir su vida con una de las mujeres mas especiales y amorosas que he conocido, Bianca. Cada uno te aporta cosas tan mágicas, y herramientas tan potentes para llevar a tu día a día que consiguen dar un giro a la vida de toda aquella persona que tiene la suerte de compartir tiempo con ellos. Son muy profesionales y sobretodo saben muy bien lo que hacen y cómo hacerlo. Seguiré asistiendo a sus retiros las maximas veces q pueda, es de las mejores cosas que he podido hacer en mi vida. AHO
Inspiring, dedicated and incredibly generous teacher!
I met Bianca at the end of a one year trip around South East Asia. While I thought at the time that I had already learned so much from this experience, Bianca surely taught me the last lesson I needed to, from what I believed, complete this personal journey. She helped me understand something that for a bunch of different reasons I had missed out; my journey was actually far away from being completed, it had just begun! During her classes as well as our conversations, she created a safe inspiring space and energy that changed my days and perspective. Bianca has such a calm, understanding and compassionate presence and this comes through in her teaching. She is one of these inspiring and generous people who make you understand the challenge of self-fulfillment, the importance of being master of your own choices and life, but also the importance of sharing with others. After we met, all my concerns about “going home” had vanished; this travelling experience was not a once in a lifetime thing before getting back to my routine, it had rather helped me find the right direction to pursue my personal journey. I truly believe that people are meant to cross our path for a reason, and Bianca was there to help me develop my own self in a more colorful way which is probably the greatest gift people can give to one another.