All private ceremony programmes are designed to be fully integrative programmes over a 6-8 week trajectory, offering a tailored one-to-one service, guiding you through contemplative preparation, personalised truffle ceremonies, though to integration.
Preparation and Connection
Step 1 - An informal conversation to kick things off to answer any basic questions you may have and to gauge initial levels of interest and vibe
Step 2 - Background information supplied. Intake information requested including health screening to enable an assessment whether guidance can take place (your health and safety are paramount).
Step 3 - Sign up
Step 4 - Supporting materials sent to help Prepare and Connect
Step 5 - One-to-one sessions, coming together to review intentions and establish parameters of the pending psychedelic ceremony. One online session in weeks before ceremony, one live session the day before ceremony.
Step 6 – Personal ceremony - your guided journey of self-discovery.
Please allow a full day for this including beforehand a few hours personal preparation and then a full day (6-8) hours together for ceremony and journey .
Step 7 - The day after your journey we will come together to lightly reflect on your journey, your emotions and how they may relate to you the intentions you set.
Step 8 - Two to four weeks later we will come together for another formal integration session (online). Ad-hoc communications over the days throughout this process will be available and further support can be offered as an extra service.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change