Tulum, Quintana Roo, Meksika
Up to 15 in group
Flexible Dates
About this Retreat
I started yoga in 2008, when I attended yoga classes in the same gym while doing fitness. Yoga, which has effects on my mind and soul, starting from my body, became my passion over time. Later, I decided that I wanted to develop my practice and spiritual studies and delve deeper into the field of yoga. I had the opportunity to continue attending trainings at home and abroad. I still continue my spiritual journey in different fields. I also participate in shamanic trainings and family constellations trainings. Our work includes Fit Flow Yoga Teacher trainings, private and group lessons, mentoring trainings, yoga workshops.. . Our various yoga practices were published in Formsante, Pozitif and Pegasus Airlines magazines. Fitflowyoga's motto is to appeal to everyone with powerful flows in vinyasa/flow style and to show everyone the healing of yoga.
Some of the Trainings I Attended:
Basic Level Hatha Yoga Teacher training. (Yoga Alliance)
Advanced Teacher Training. (Yoga Alliance)
Godfrey Dewerux(2011) –Asanas- Workshop
David Farmar –Power Yoga-Workshop
Tri Yoga (2011 )-London –Vinyasa workshops
Godfrey Devereux (2011) Meditation –workshop
2011 Nicole Ohme –Vinyasa –workshop
Bryan Kest –Power Yoga Workshop 2012
Hatha Yoga -Tara Judelle – 2012 –workshop-
Svagito Liebermeister -Healing Traumas –
Dylan Warner (Advanced Arm Balances Workshop) 2015 Istanbul
India Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School -2017 (Alliance)
Svagito Liebermeister- Family Constellation Trainings-2019
Yin Yoga Approach- Paul Grilley -2020
Details of this retreat
Learn how the history of ancient yoga ties into today’s masters
Discover mindfulness meditation
Experience intensive study and practice of asanas
Discover the meaning of chakras, bandhas and mantras, kriyas..
Learn how to chant and discover why the sounds we create can help us vibrate at a different level
Understand basic yoga anatomy and how its relevant to yoga postures
Develop confidence as a yoga teacher and how to develop a professional attitude
Learn how to connect with your students
Find out how to safely and confidently adjust students
Create class plans that are sequenced properly to keep students injury-free and progressing
Observe and assist senior teachers or practice teaching in our community classes
Learns Kriya techniques
15-hour non-contact hours: Reading, self-study, writing, homework, etc. Hours are accumulated outside of practical hours as “contactless” hours.
Learn to sing mantras accompanied by kirtan music in the mantra section
Each participant on classroom management by giving 1 internship courses throughout the training.
Learns classroom management on site by taking part in 1 lesson as an assistant.
The lesson observes.
Learn to teach and sequence 70 yoga poses
Takes lessons , learn tips for marketing on social media from the master trainer
Study sanskrit for yoga teachers
Students practice Basic pranayama techniques and mudras and how the breath works with the mind and body to energize the nervous system.
Participants learn how proper breathing supports bandha and yoga asana practice
Practicing Yoga Nidra
You will receive feedback from the leader instructor after your internship lessons.
Oral and writen Exam ( Those who score above 50 in these exams are entitled to receive the certificate.
Study book +200 hours by Yoga Alliance Certificate
Some activities may be added according to the status of the yoga program
Our priority is the yoga instructor program…
1-11th APRIL
1-11TH MAY