Tugba Ekler

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I started yoga in 2008, when I attended yoga classes in the same gym while doing fitness. Yoga, which has effects on my mind and soul, starting from my body, became my passion over time. Later, I decided that I wanted to develop my practice and spiritual studies and delve deeper into the field of yoga. I had the opportunity to continue attending trainings at home and abroad. I still continue my spiritual journey in different fields. I also participate in shamanic trainings and family constellations trainings. Our work includes Fit Flow Yoga Teacher trainings, private and group lessons, mentoring trainings, yoga workshops.. . Our various yoga practices were published in Formsante, Pozitif and Pegasus Airlines magazines. Fitflowyoga's motto is to appeal to everyone with powerful flows in vinyasa/flow style and to show everyone the healing of yoga.

Some of the Trainings I Attended:

Basic Level Hatha Yoga Teacher training. (Yoga Alliance)
Advanced Teacher Training. (Yoga Alliance)
Godfrey Dewerux(2011) –Asanas- Workshop
David Farmar –Power Yoga-Workshop
Tri Yoga (2011 )-London –Vinyasa workshops
Godfrey Devereux (2011) Meditation –workshop
2011 Nicole Ohme –Vinyasa –workshop
Bryan Kest –Power Yoga Workshop 2012
Hatha Yoga -Tara Judelle – 2012 –workshop-
Svagito Liebermeister -Healing Traumas –
Dylan Warner (Advanced Arm Balances Workshop) 2015 Istanbul
India Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School -2017 (Alliance)
Svagito Liebermeister- Family Constellation Trainings-2019
Yin Yoga Approach- Paul Grilley -2020

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