About TierraViva
Mission & Vision
Our mission and vision is to share the healing of Madre Ayahuasca in the Shipibo tradition of sama. Sama is a time of reflection and introspection with master plants and Ayahuasca.
Upcoming Retreats at TierraViva
Spiritual Transformation Ayahuasca Retreat and Master Plant Dieta
Venue & Amenities
We are a newly built center in the Pucallpa region of the Ucayali River. We are a SHIPIBO OWNED AND RUN CENTER! Empowering the local indigenous to run and facilitate their own retreats. We are a family of healers that have studied with renowned legends, and have over 30 years experience in this tradition.
Menu Types
Foods include rice, oats, quinoa, veggies, some legumes, occasional egg or fish, all food is without salt, oil or sugar as per master plant dieta requirements.Food is designed to connect you to plants
Getting Here
We are located conveniently around 40-45 minutes away from the Pucallpa Airport. Pucallpa is a famous town for Shipibo healing. We are close to the town of San Francisco. We provide airport transfer, so you do not need to worry about getting to our center.