Day 1: We will arrive in the morning and get settled into our beautiful jungle lodgings before lunch. In the afternoon, we will set our intentions for the trip and rest before the ayahuasca ceremony with Maima Ana of the Inga tribe.
Day 2: There will be kambo in the morning before breakfast and then we will spend the day cooking our own ayahuasca with Maima Ana. In the evening we will gather around the fire, putting all of our intention into medicine and enjoying some medicine music and this experience. We will drink our brew as it is brewing and invite the sacred purge.
Day 3: There will be kambo in the morning before breakfast and then we will have a day of rest. Perhaps a trip into town before lunch and some breathing techniques in the afternoon. In the evening we will have our second ayahuasca ceremony with a Taita Victorinao.
Day 4: After breakfast we will have a workshop where we will make smudge and other ceremonial items. We will have some lunch, rest and get ready for our third ayahuasca ceremony, which will be with Taita Victoriano again.
Day 5: Today we wi hike to Hornoyaco where there is a lagoon and incredible waterfalls. We will take a picnic lunch with us to enjoy whilst basking on the rocks beside the lagoon. In the evening we will have dinner back at the hostel and some group integration on the previous ayahuasca ceremonies.
Day 6: After breakfast, we will depart for our two-day trip to the indigenous Inga reserve, Yunguillo. We will settle in at Taita Gabino’s maloka and here we will have our fourth ayahuasca ceremony with him.
Day 7: We will spend the day in Yunguillo, hiking to a sacred site, and then have another ayahuasca ceremony with Taita Gabino in his maloka.
Day 8: We will have breakfast in Yunguillo, swim in the river and relax a little before heading back to our lodgings in Old Mocoa. Here we will have dinner and rest around the fire, integrating the previous ceremonies.
Day 9: After breakfast we hike with a picnic lunch to the famous “Fin de Mundo” where there are more incredible waterfalls. In the evening we will have our ayahuasca ceremony with Taita Humberto in hi Maloka in Villagarzon.
Day 10: After lunch today we will hike to a local waterfall and cleanse ourselves in the lagoon before the last ayahuasca ceremony with Maima Ana of the Kamsa tribe.
Day 11: On this last day we will have breakfast in the hostal before departing.
Note: Schedule is approximate and may change