Shambala Oceanside Retreat, Pantai, Bondalem, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia
7 Days Package (6 nights)
About this Retreat
Aloha and Welcome! At the age of 20, I underwent a profound near-death experience that provided me a glimpse into the boundless oneness of all Creation. This experience vividly revealed to me that life is an ‘infinite playground’ where we design our own freedom or prison, choosing the realities, rules, and perceptions within which we operate. Faced with the decision to either leave my body permanently or return and fulfill my purpose, I chose to return. I realized that the human journey offers the ultimate training ground for achieving absolute freedom.
In the next 15 years, I embarked upon extensive pilgrimages through 22 countries, training with teachers, both physical and etheric, from various spiritual traditions, and through self-initiations into the Mysteries of our divine potential. My passion was unquenchable to touch the core of what it means to be a fully integrated human in my heart, body, mind and Soul. My mission is to awaken the Divine Human Blueprint or Universal Soul within each person and transmit how to live from an ecstatic fully liberated and integrated presence.
It became apparent to me that conventional human notions of love and relationships were profoundly limited, often shaped by fear, restrictive norms, base desires, and misconceptions. “If this is what relationship is,” I thought, “then I’d rather just be in a love affair with the Divine!” At 27, I finally got a taste of TRUE LOVE, the kind that cracked me open without end and made me a holy instrument of love itself in every cell of my body, driven by unwavering devotion and a commitment to ascend to ever-higher states of union, initially within myself and then with another.
Anyone can experience this joy, freedom, and ecstatic oneness with life. And there is nothing more powerful for me than tasting this oneness with others. Join me there!
Details of this retreat
On April 3-9, 2025, Discover the Heart of Tantra in the lush, sacred jungles of Bali. Amidst ancient stone temples, old growth trees and living waters, you will experience new dimensions of your Soul that have been waiting to be uncovered. Wherever you are in your personal/ spiritual development, this retreat provides an opportunity for you to make your next step of awakening, self-love, and surrendering beyond your illusions.
You'll dive effortlessly into inner communion, watching limitations melt away into pure grace…
Your kundalini will flow, nourishing the hidden wisdom channels in your body…
Your heart will open wider, released into sacred union with life and all your relations...
And you'll watch as your life transforms into an infinite playground of ecstatic liberation!
* Rituals, ceremonies, and energetic Initiations
* Therapeutic processes for psychological, emotional & physiological transformation
* Devotional techniques to incarnate the Deities
* Advanced guidance in cultivating kundalini
* Explorations of Tantric union with Nature.
* Guided inner journeys to awaken consciousness
* Paired practices for cultivating presence & rising into Soul states together
* Non-Dual teachings of Wisdom and Compassion
* Blindfold processes to enter deeper states and enhanced senses
* Nourishing somatic movement modalities
* Transformational Breathwork journeys
* Group experiments in creating a Unified Field