Chris says, "I just finished a Flagship Retreat with Stephanie!!! WOW and WOW again is what is on my heart. She lead from a place of peace, love, and GRACE. The weekend was exactly what I needed." See more
Anonymous says, "WONDERFUL!!! LOUISE AND JOE COLLETTI were warm and so wise. They have explained loss and grief in a way that I could grasp and appreciate. I told Louise that I felt like a “sponge” absorbing everything they was saying by the end of the day." See more
Anonymous says, "I really enjoyed the class! Weaving is more difficult than I expected but I finished my project at home and am pretty happy with it! Lisa explained well, there was so many yarns, fabrics- choices!! I will continue with projects at home!" See more
Anonymous says, "My husband and I did a retreat together and it was perfect. We each received spiritual direction and the sisters were so welcoming and inquisitive. We each came away feeling like that was exactly what we needed and at the perfect time." See more