About Jewish Center for Psilocybin assisted Psychotherapy
Mission & Vision
Our journey began some twenty years ago with a vision to offer treatment that would include the spiritual and physical sides of our being, bringing ancient wisdom and modern medicine together. The result is JCP, a place where modern psychology, the ancient wisdom of Judaism and Kabbalah, yoga, music healing, therapeutic use of psilocybin and nutrition have come together and created a welcoming home to those who seek community and healing. We welcome all people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender or orientation.
Upcoming Retreats at Jewish Center for Psilocybin assisted Psychotherapy
Venue & Amenities
We offer sessions and retreats at our guests choice of location in Spain and Portugal. For our other retreats we work with select venues depending on size of group and time of year. Our venues are mostly located in Costa del Sol in beautiful nature surroundings and are high quality, modern accomodations.
Menu Types
All meals are kosher, plant based and organic. We take allergies into consideration.
Getting Here
Directions will be provided before each retreat.