Anonymous says, "The ceremony was a powerful and sacred experience. Under the influence of plant medicine, I ventured deep into the recesses of my mind, confronting my fears, unraveling past traumas, and embracing the beauty of my existence." See more
Maria says, "Diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress I have been through many therapists and therapy methods over the last years and nothing seems to help me. I started to be open to other ways, since traditional health care, as a paradox made me even more mentally ill." See more
Kristyna says, "I totally enjoyed the Ayahusca retreat. I even can not express, what I am feeling. I am so calm. I have the feeling, there is no need to fight for love. Yesterday, I did a training at work for 10 people (public speaking!)." See more
dace says, "WOW! Great people, peaceful atmosphere, no negatives to be said. It was a well thought out personalized process that unlocked parts of me that I did not know existed." See more