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Questions about Ptsd
What can ayahuasca heal?
This answer may vary depending on who you ask. Some Amazonian shamans proudly boast of the number of individuals they have successfully healed with ayahuasca from serious illnesses such as HIV, cancer, paralysis, or organ failure. While they may be telling the truth, there is no scientific evidence to back these claims and we do not encourage anyone suffering from life-threatening ailments to hope that ayahuasca would cure them.
Actually documented in a growing body of scientific studies are indications that ayahuasca may assist with alleviating symptoms of psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, and neurodegenerative illnesses such as Parkinson's disease. PTSD symptoms, according to personal testimonies of many war vets who have gone to retreats, can also be relieved.
As far as physiological disorders go, there has been no research published as of yet, but the long tradition of ayahuasca's therapeutic usage and the antimicrobial properties of the B. caapi vine suggest that it may be beneficial at least for cleansing the body and clearing out some bacterial or parasitic illnesses.