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Questions about Dieta

Is the ayahuasca dieta really necessary?

Toggle answer

The period of abstaining from salt, red meats, heavily processed foods, sweets, alcohol, narcotics, and sexual activity, as well as avoiding stress, screen time, and other distractions from intention-fostering is derived from the dietas that Amazonian shamans in training follow in order to acquire their abilities and perform healing and magic.

In practice, a strict dieta is not absolutely necessary for a fruitful ayahuasca experience for common folk. In fact, many people have gone into ceremony after not honoring any aspects of the dieta and suffered no adverse consequences.

However — it's easy to see that adhering to dieta recommendation for a few days is nothing if not beneficial for the prospective drinker. Above and beyond helping to clear out the mind and body from the immense amount of toxins we devour daily in a typical Western lifestyle, the dieta serves to institute stillness, energetic balance, and create space for reflecting and focusing on our intentions for the journey.

Taking these steps in the preparation process can go a long way to ensuring a smoother ceremony experience and more effective integration afterward. As such, it is highly advised to at least maintain a moderate abstinence from unhealthy sustenance in the days leading up to the ceremony.

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