Anonymous says, "Kasham is an incredibly intuitive healer. I still haven’t landed yet after my retreat, but have seen so many positive changes so far. As someone with social anxiety I was hesitant to do a group retreat, but boy am I glad I did." See more
Richard says, "How to put this into words…from the moment I arrived, I couldn’t have asked for a more welcoming and caring environment. (Alphabetically!) Axis, Bianca, Chiara, Kristina and Riccardo are some of the most genuinely amazing people you will ever meet, and also extremely knowledgeable about plant medicine." See more
Rafal says, "I went to my first retreat with great fear but also with hope that it would help me solve my problems. There I found an amazing center, very nice, polite, helpful people, full of positive energy." See more
Andrew says, "My experience was undeniably mystical. The concept of 'I' or my ego dissolved, and I transcended into pure light energy, akin to a divine source. I learned that this physical body holds little significance and Time is a non-existent construct in the Universe." See more