Michael says, "Guacamayo retreat center is exceptional. The staff is professional and friendly with a truly vested interest in the guests and it shows in the way they interact and perform their respective duties." See more
Stephanie says, "The 2 weeks a la casa de loto were very ressourceful. In this inspiring environnement and with this good tasty and healthy food, it felt peaceful to be there. A spécial thanks to the mindfulness and yoga teacher Mel, a dedicated and human person." See more
Patricia says, "Carolyne is the most authentic soul I believe I have ever met. She is truly dedicated and believes in her mission wholeheartedly. She is truly an amazing woman and I am so blessed to have known her." See more
Max says, "I totally loved the retreat. Everything was great: • the team of Sam Believ: excellent space holding and a lot of sharings • shaman (Taita): very experienced and great presence • Nice healing music by Cesár (live guitar and singing) • Location: in the middle of nature with stunning views over the surrounding mountains, totally quiet and no neighbors at sight • food: basic and healthy • other participants: warm, open-minded I did a 5-day retreat and I think a key success factor for me was the long duration." See more
Jan says, "Absolute amazing! Life changing experience!" See more