Wren says, "I found this little sanctuary on Google so I was a little nervous that it would be a disappointment but I was very pleasantly surprised. There is a lot of heart energy in this place and it attracts kind and authentic people both with the staff and volunteers and the guests." See more
Karena says, "The retreat was the perfect environment for those seeking growth in a personal setting and in close contact with nature. The accommodations are welcoming, the facilitators knowledgeable and caring, and the participants are like-minded people that will be an integral part of your own healing process." See more
Alex says, "Excellent experience with Priyananda and Kala" See more
Yolanda says, "Thank you Yandara for creating a space of community & healing. Simply beautifull. Looking forward to see you soon X" See more
Todd says, "On arrival you are greeting by staff and then shown around the premises by one person, it felt so warm and welcoming and put the nerves to be. From here everything planned was purposeful and practical to prepare you for the medicine." See more
Jennice says, "This gathering hosted by JoJo was a very sacred and special opportunity to dive into our own individual wisdom and knowing as well as to support other women through their process of healing." See more
Enrico says, "it was mystical, a serious approach and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life." See more